Solution for Lost Voter Slip

Solution for Lost Voter Slip. Losing your voter slip before receiving your National Identity Card (NID) can be frustrating. However, there’s no need to worry because there are several methods to recover your NID card even without the slip. In this article, we will explore the steps to follow if you lose your voter slip and how to recover or download your NID online. Whether you’ve lost the voter slip or forgotten your form number, these strategies will help you retrieve your ID card seamlessly.
What to Do If the Voter Slip is Lost?
When a person registers for a new National Identity Card, they are issued a voter slip, also known as the voter registration form. This slip contains a unique voter form number, which is essential for downloading the NID card when it’s made available online. However, many people lose this slip due to negligence. The good news is that you can still recover your NID card without the voter slip.
Methods to Retrieve Your ID Card If the Voter Slip is Lost
If you have lost your voter slip, there are multiple ways to retrieve your NID card without the slip or form number. By following some simple steps, you can download your ID card within two days.
- Account Registration on NID Service Website: To access any NID-related service, you must first register an account on the NID service website. Usually, voter number, ID card number, or slip number is required for account creation. But if the voter slip is lost, don’t worry! We still have options to retrieve your ID card.
- Using NID Number to Extract the ID Card: The NID number can be the most effective way to recover your NID card. After your NID card is generated, a 10-digit NID number is usually sent to your mobile via SMS. You can use this number to create your NID account. Here’s how you can proceed:
- Register on the NID website using the NID number and date of birth instead of the voter slip number.
- Once registered, access your profile, and download your NID card from the “Download” menu.
Download NID Card Without a Voter Slip
- Retrieve the NID Number via SMS: The Bangladesh Election Commission sends a text message to your registered mobile number when your NID is ready for collection. This message includes your name and NID number, which can be used to download your NID card online.
- Downloading the NID Card: Once you have received the 10-digit NID number, follow these steps:
- Log in to your account on the NID service website.
- Enter your NID number and date of birth.
- Access the download section and download your NID card.
- Re-collection of Lost Voter Slip: If you still prefer to recover the original voter slip, visit the Upazila Election Commission office. Here’s what you need to do:
- Report the loss of your voter slip to the election office.Provide your fingerprint for identification.The officer will issue a duplicate voter slip after verification.
- Required Documents:
- Carry a photocopy of your online birth registration certificate and parent’s NID card.
- In some cases, photocopies of your parent’s ID card and your birth registration certificate may also be required to issue a new voter slip.
How to Know Your NID Number Before Receiving the ID Card
One common question is, “How do I know my NID number before receiving the physical ID card?” The answer lies in the message sent by the Election Commission. Once your NID is ready, a text message is sent to your registered mobile number from 105, containing your NID number and instructions on how to collect the card online or from the Upazila Election Office.
This SMS not only helps you recover your NID card but also saves you the hassle of visiting the Election Commission office. Simply use the NID number provided in the SMS to register your NID account and download the card online.
Recover Lost NID Slip from Election Office
If you are unable to retrieve the NID card through online methods, visiting the Upazila Election Commission office can be another solution. The process involves:
- Reporting the lost voter slip.
- Verifying your identity with your fingerprint and other necessary documents.
- Collecting a reprinted voter slip after confirmation.
With these steps, you can easily recover your NID card or voter slip. Make sure to bring the necessary documents, such as your birth certificate and your parent’s ID card, when visiting the election office.
Losing your voter slip is not the end of the road. There are various ways to retrieve your NID card without the slip, such as using your NID number or visiting the Election Commission office. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your NID card is accessible, even if the voter slip is lost.